Where is Purnululu National Park containing the Bungle Bungle Range? - purnululu national park
Purnululu National Park Western Australia 2054 km north of Perth. The nearest town is Kununurra. Access to the park on the street is on Spring Creek track from the Great Northern Highway about 250 kilometers south of Kununurra, to stop the track from the visitor center. The route is 53 km long and is available only in dry season (approximately April 1st till Dezember 31), and only for four-wheel drive (4WD) vehicles. Certainly, collective bargaining takes about 3 hours. Access by air is less demanding, helicopter flights from Turkey Creek Roadhouse at Warmun, 187 kilometers south of Kununurra, and light aircraft from Kununurra.
Purnululu is the name for the area of the Bungle Bungle Sandstone given by Aboriginal Kiya. The name means sandstone or may be a corruption of bundle grass. The area is located entirely within the park, at an altitude of more than 578 meters above sea level. It is for the sandstone domes, unusual and visually striking, with its well known bands in alternating bands of orange and gray. The banding of the domes is due to the differences in tone CONTENT and layers of porous sandstone: The orange band is composed of oxidized iron compounds in the layers multiply quickly dry for cyanobacteria that are gray streaks of cyanobacteria are growing together on the surface layers of sandstone, which accumulates the "damp.
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